You are invited to join an educational experience in a relaxing environment with an affordable opportunity for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to building the same temporary community and enjoying a laid back event in the tradition of the Great Lakes Primitives Gathering. Prior experience or skill levels are not necessary to join these activities. Evening campfires will be a time to relax, share some stories, talent and get together with new friends and renew old friendships. This is also a great learning opportunity for children.
A variety of classes and workshops will be offered. Here is a sample:
Environmental and Preservation Program:
Falconry and Birds of Prey, Plant identification, Edible Plants, "Fire" in the Wild,
Outdoor survival methods
Workshops and Classes:
Making cordage with natural materials, knots and rope making, twine slippers,
netting and uses for cordage, flint-knapping, wooden mallets
Fiber and felting, basketry, bead and bone work, soap making, cheese making
History of hygiene and clothing
Children's activities and class schedules to be posted in the future
AUGUST 17 TO 20 th, 2017.
It is recommended to arrive on Wednesday Aug 16th
To set up camp and attend the evening orientation
A simple dinner will be available Wednesday evening.
Some folks wait to pack up and leave on Monday morning.
Cedar Lake Outdoor Center
Located at: 2500 Pierce Road, Chelsea, MI, 48118. For more information on the site, here is the web-site:
Event Fees:
Adult: $179.00 Postmarked on or before July 31th
Child: $50.00 5-12 years old Postmarked on or before July 31th
Teens: $135.00 13-17 years old Postmarked on or before July 31th
Registration Fees include 3 meals a day for 4 days and dinner Wednesday.
Our mission is to offer an opportunity to learn new skills, share knowledge of the land and pass on these traditions to protect and preserve the environment and our American Heritage.
™ Great Lakes Primitives Gathering and the Logo (boat people) are Registered Trade Marks with the State of Michigan 05/25/2012. Unauthorized use of these Trademarks are Acts of Trademark Infringement.